| | TLINK works in conjunction with the Tacholog OBC (On Board Computer).
 | | The OBC acts as an electronic version of a Tachograph, and records everything that happens with the vehicle.
 | | Unlike a Tachograph, the information recorded by the OBC is already in electronic form, and can be transferred to a PC quickly and accurately.
 | | You set the parameters at which various alarms and warnings occur, for instance:- Set the Green Band Low and High settings.
- Set various speed limits (with or without audible driver warnings).
- Set the Harsh Braking parameter in km/h/sec.
- Set the time allowed before a stop is recorded.
- Set Speed and RPM band information.
 | | Additional external inputs can also be monitored, for example a Trailer Identification.
 | | Each driver is issued with a Driver Key, which allows the driver to be identified by the system irrespective of which vehicle he drives.
 | | Additional Driver details can also be recorded:- Department.
- Employee Number.
- Qualifications.
- License Renewal Date.
 | | TLINK will by default keep all information for a period of 45 days, but you can change this to any number of days. The only limitation is the amount of hard disk space you have available.
 | | Automatic exception reports can be set up to print each time you process new information from the vehicles.
 | | A full report writer (using a Pascal Style language) is included in TLINK, allowing you to define a wide range of reports.
 | | The Report Writer compiles your reports to an executable file, so reporting is Fast.
 | | A full compliment of standard reports is already included in TLINK, including:- Control Report giving key management information.
- Daily Summary Report.
- Driver Rating Report.
- Fuel Analysis Report.
- Harsh Braking Report.
- Last 5 Minute (before an Accident) Report.
- Trip Report.
 | | All information can also be presented graphically.
 | | Several standard graphs are included in TLINK:- Daily Overview Graph.
- Fuel Consumption Graph.
- Harsh Braking Graph.
- Movement Graph.
 | | An additional facility allows you to store descriptions against event codes.
 | | Using this facility, the driver can enter a customer number, for instance, and the actual customer name is printed on the reports.
 | | An optional export facility allows all data recorded by TLINK to be exported to our longer term management programs TruckMaster and VRC, or, using ASCII files, to any other PC package.