INT 10 - VIDEO - SET COLOR PALETTE                      




0Bh   Destroyed AX


 Palette ID Colour Destroyed SP


    Destroyed BP


    Destroyed SI
ES:DI   Destroyed DI
If BH (Palette Color ID) is 0, then:

    :    Sets background color for 320 x 200 graphics modes

    :    Sets border color for text modes

    :    Sets foreground color for 640 x 200 graphics modes

BL contains the color to use. The EGA will set the

    :    background color for 640 x 200 graphics modes.

When setting the border color for text modes, colors 16-31 will select
the high-intensity background set.

If BH (Palette Color ID) is 1, then:

    :    Selects the palette for 320 x 200 graphics modes

The value in BL determines which palette combination to use, as
defined below:

Pallete 0 (BH=0)

Pixel Value Colour
0 Background Colour
1 Green
2 Red
3 Brown

Pallete 1 (BH=1)

Pixel Value Colour
0 Background Colour
1 Cyan
2 Magenta
3 White

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .