Return SuperVGA Mode Information                       




4Fh 01h Status 4Fh=Supported AX




 Desired Mode     CX


ES:DI  256 byte buffer   ES:DI
Buffer Layout:

        0       WORD    Mode Attributes
Mode Attributes
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 0001h  Mode supported by current display
1 2 0002h  Optional INFO block is valid
2 4 0004h  BIOS text functions are supported
3 8 0008h  Color Mode
4 16 0010h  Graphics Mode
5 32 0020h  Unused
6 64 0040h
7 128 0080h
8 256 0100h
9 512 0200h
10 1024 0400h
11 2048 0800h
12 4096 1000h
13 8192 2000h
14 16384 4000h
15 32768 8000h
        2       BYTE    Window A Attributes
Window A Attributes
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  Window is supported
1 2 02h  Window is readable
2 4 04h  Window is writable
3 8 08h  Not used
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
        3       BYTE    Window B Attributes
Window B Attributes
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  Window is supported
1 2 02h  Window is readable
2 4 04h  Window is writable
3 8 08h  Not used
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
        4       WORD    Window Granularity (smallest increment that can
                        be used in selecting the start address of a
                        display page window)

        6       WORD    Window Size (Display page memory size in K)

        8       WORD    Window A Segment

        10      WORD    Window B Segment

        12      DWORD   Pointer to Display Memory Windowing function

        16      WORD    Bytes per scan line

        The following fields are optional:

        18      WORD    Horizontal resolution

        20      WORD    Vertical resolution

        22      BYTE    Character cell width in pixels

        23      BYTE    Character cell height in pixels

        24      BYTE    Number of memory planes

        25      BYTE    Bits per pixel

        26      BYTE    Number of Banks

        27      BYTE    Memory Model

                        0     = Text mode
                        1     = CGA graphics
                        2     = Hercules graphics
                        3     = 4 plane graphics
                        4     = Packed pixel graphics
                        5     = Nonchain 4, 256-color graphics
                        6-0F  = Reserved by VESA
                        10-FF = Manufacture defined

        28      BYTE    Bank size

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .