INT 13 - DISK - STATUS OF DISK SYSTEM                     




01h   Status   AX






  Drive     DX
ES:DI     CF
        If bit 7 of the drive is set, hard drive.

Status: 00h = successful completion
        01h = bad command
        02h = address mark not found
        03h = write attempted on write-protected disk
        04h = sector not found
        05h = reset failed (hard disk)
        06h = diskette changed
        07h = parameter act. failed (hard disk)
        08h = DMA overrun (floppy disk)
        09h = DMA across 64K boundary
        0Ah = bad sector detected (hard disk)
        0Bh = bad track detected (hard disk)
        0Ch = unsupported track
        0Dh = invalid number of sectors on format (hard disk)
        0Eh = control data address mark detected (hard disk)
        0Fh = DMA arbitration error (hard disk)
        10h = bad CRC/ECC
        11h = data ECC corrected (hard disk)
        20h = controller failure

        40h = seek failed
        80h = time out
        AAh = drive not ready (hard disk)
        BBh = undefined error (hard disk)
        CCh = write fault (hard disk)
        E0h = status register error (hard disk)
        FFh = sense operation failed (hard disk)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .