INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ADDTO" - SET OBJECT BITS          




12h       AX


 0Ah Object     BX





        00h handle is DWORD on top of stack
            window: write characters and attributes
            timer: start timer for specified interval
            pointer: set control flags
        01h write characters and attributes to task's default window
        02h send message/status by value to mailbox (task's handle on stack)
        03h send message/status by value to current task's default mailbox
        04h set control flags on KEYBOARD object (handle on top of stack)
        05h set control flags on task's default KEYBOARD object

STACK: (if mailbox) DWORD status
                    DWORD length of message
                    DWORD address
       (if timer)   DWORD duration in 1/100 seconds
       (if window)  DWORD count of characters
                    DWORD address of characters
                    DWORD count of attributes
                    DWORD address of attributes
       (otherwise)  DWORD bits to set

       For keyboard objects, the bits have the following significance:
Keyboard Objects
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 0001h  Keyboard is in field mode
1 2 0002h  Keyboard is active
2 4 0004h  Insert mode active
3 8 0008h  Prog continues executing during input
4 16 0010h  Filter all keys (used with handler established by SETREC)
5 32 0020h  Unused
6 64 0040h
7 128 0080h
8 256 0100h
9 512 0200h
10 1024 0400h
11 2048 0800h
12 4096 1000h
13 8192 2000h  Reserved, can't be set
14 16384 4000h  Unused
15 32768 8000h  Reserved, can't be set
       For pointer objects, the bits have the following significance:
Pointer Objects
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 0001h  Send msg only on button activity, not movement.
DV specific, and INT 15h/AX=DE0Fh must have been called first
1 2 0002h  Unused ???
2 4 0004h  Send msg on button release as well as button press
3 8 0008h  Ptr position is relative to screen origin, not window origin
4 16 0010h  Hold mouse button for 1/2 second before it clicks
5 32 0020h  Get msgs even if window not foreground
6 64 0040h  Get msgs even if window not topmost
7 128 0080h  Mouse Pointer hidden while in window
8 256 0100h  Unused
9 512 0200h
10 1024 0400h
11 2048 0800h
12 4096 1000h
13 8192 2000h
14 16384 4000h
15 32768 8000h  Reserved, can't be set

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .