INT 6F - 10-NET - LOGIN                            




00h   Status AX




      Security Level CX


DS:DX  Login Record   CF
Login Record:   8 BYTEs user name
                8 BYTEs password
               12 BYTEs name of SuperStation

Status:         0000h successful
                01FFh time out on response
                02FFh network (hardware) error
                03FFh invalid password
                04FFh local rexource not available
                05FFh server resource not available
                06FFh already logged in under different name
                07FFh login security failure (node)
                08FFh not logged in
                09FFh position calc error
                0AFFh receive  subfunction  not  =  send  subfunction
                      (i.e. read, write)
                0BFFh request function not in range
                0CFFh no more server file handle entries left
                0DFFh no more shared file table entries left
                0EFFh no more user file handle entries left
                0FFFh chat permit not on
                10FFh not a server on request
                11FFh no transporter board error
                12FFh time out on send
                13FFh item not found (spool item not on queue)
                14FFh dos access incompatible
                15FFh record already locked
                16FFh invalid parameter
                17FFh record lock time out error
                18FFh currently spooling to named device
                19FFh dropped receive message (throttle)
                1AFFh open sharing violation
                1BFFh no more tuf entries left
                1CFFh not file owner on open
                1DFFh read security not passed
                1EFFh write security not passed
                1FFFh group security not passed
                20FFh security file failure
                21FFh activity file failure
                22FFh spool cntrl file failure
                23FFh device not mounted (spooling)
                24FFh spool file has not been terminated
                25FFh device not mounted or is not being shared
                26FFh duplicate node id
                27FFh file not found error
                28FFh no more files
                29FFh unknown internal system error
                2AFFh print queue is full or corrupted
                2BFFh invalid function
                2CFFh invalid handle
                2DFFh too many files opened
                2EFFh path not found
                2FFFh named file is active
       /* I've gotten  one submission which says FFxxh, and another with
          xxFFh */
       /* I don't know which way around these should  be,  does somebody
          else know? */
                FF01h timeout
                FF02h network error
                FF03h invalid password
                FF04h no local buffer
                FF05h superstation not available
                FF06h node already logged in
                FF07h login not valid from this node
                FF08h node ID already in use
                FF16h invalid parameter (bad length, invalid node ID,
                FF17h record locked by another user
                FF18h sent message has been dropped

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .