0040h:00A8h         Pointer to EGA Parameters                         

        4 BYTES

        The table pointed to contains:

            00h     Video parameter table pointer
            04h     Dynamic save area pointer
            08h     Alpha mode auxiliary character generator pointer
            0Ch     Graphic mode auxiliary character generator pointer
            10h     Reserved
            14h     Reserved
            18h     Reserved

        Dynamic Save Area table

            00h     16 EGA palette register values
            10h     Overscan value
            11h     Reserved (239 bytes)

        Alpha Mode Auxiliary Character Generator Table

            00h     Bytes per character
            01h     Block to load (0=Normal operation)
            02h     Count to Store (256=Normal operation)
            04h     Character offset (0=Normal operation)
            06h     Pointer to FONT Table
            0Ah     Maximum displayable rows (FFh=Calculate)
            0Bh     Mode values for this FONT (FFh=Terminator)

        Graphic Mode Auxiliary Character Generator Table

            00h     Displayable rows
            01h     Bytes per character
            03h     pointer to FONT Table
            07h     Mode values for this FONT (FFh=Terminator)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .