INT 21 - Novell NetWare 4.0 - CONNECTION CONTROL               







E3h     Error Code AX






Request Buffer     DX


 Reply Buffer   CF
Subfunction in third byte of request buffer

        00h Login
        01h Change password
        02h Map user to station set
        03h Map object to number
        04h Map number to object
        05h Get station's logged information
        06h Get station's root mask (obsolete)
        07h Map group name to number
        08h Map number to group name
        09h Get memberset M of group G
        0Ah Enter login area
        0Dh Log network message
        0Eh Get disk utilization (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        0Fh Scan file information (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        10h Set file information (Advanced NetWare 1.0)

        11h Get file server information (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        13h Get internet address (Advanced NetWare 1.02)
        14h Login to file server (Advanced NetWare 2.0)
        15h Get object connection numbers (Advanced NetWare 2.0)
        16h Get connection information (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        32h Create object (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        33h Delete object (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        34h Rename object (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        35h Get object ID (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        36h Get object name (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        37h Scan object (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        38h Change object security (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        39h Create propery (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        3Ah Delete property (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        3Bh Change property security (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        3Ch Scan property (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        3Dh Read property value (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        3Eh Write property value (Advanced NetWare 1.0)

        3Fh Verify object password (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        40h Change object password (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        41h Add object to set (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        42h Delete object from set (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        43h Is object in set? (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        44h Close bindery (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        45h Open bindery (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        46h Get bindery access level (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        47h Scan object trustee paths (Advanced NetWare 1.0)
        C8h Check console priviledges
        C9h Get file server description strings
        CAh Set file server date and time
        CBh Disable file server login
        CCh Enable file server login
        CDh Get file server login status
        CEh Purge all erased files
        CFh Disable transaction tracking
        D0h Enable transaction tracking
        D1h Send console broadcast

        D2h Clear connection number
        D3h Down file server
        D4h Get file system statistics
        D5h Get transaction tracking statistics
        D6h Read disk cache statistics
        D7h Get drive mapping table
        D8h Read physical disk statistics
        D9h Get disk channel statistics
        DAh Get connection's task information
        DBh Get list of connection's open files
        DCh Get list of connections using a file
        DDh Get physical record locks by connection and file
        DEh Get physical record locks by file
        DFh Get logical records by connection
        E0h Get logical record information
        E1h Get connection's semaphores
        E2h Get semaphore information
        E3h Get LAN driver's configuration information
        E5h Get connection's usage statistics

        E6h Get object's remaining disk space
        E7h Get server LAN I/O statistics
        E8h Get server miscellaneous information
        E9h Get volume information

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .