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                        SOME HISTORY                                          

   Development of MS-DOS/PC-DOS  began  in  October  1980,  when IBM
   began searching the market for an operating system  for  the yet-
   to-be-introduced IBM PC. Microsoft had no  real  operating system
   to  sell,  but  after  some  research  licensed  Seattle Computer
   Products'  86-DOS,  which  had  been  written by a man named  Tim
   Paterson for use on the company's line of 8086, S100  bus micros.
   This  was   hurriedly  polished  up  and  presented  to  IBM  for
   evaluation. IBM had originally intended to use Digital Research's
   CP/M operating system, which was  the  industry  standard  at the
   time.   Folklore   reports   everything   from    obscure   legal
   entanglements to outright snubbing of the IBM  representatives by
   Digital, regardless,  IBM  found  itself  left  with  Microsoft's
   offering of "Microsoft Disk Operating System  1.0".  An agreement
   was reached between the  two,  and "IBM PC-DOS 1.0" was ready for
   the introduction of the IBM PC in October 1981. IBM subjected the
   operating system to an extensive quality-assurance program, found
   well over 300 bugs, and decided to rewrite the programs.  This is
   why PC-DOS is copyrighted by both IBM and Microsoft.

   It  is  sometimes  amusing to reflect on the fact that the IBM PC
   was not originally  intended  to run MS-DOS. The target operating
   system at the end of  the  development  was  for  a  (not  yet in
   existence) 8086 version of CP/M. On the other hand, when  DOS was
   originally written the IBM PC  did not yet exist! Although PC-DOS
   was bundled with the computer, Digital  Research's  CP/M-86 would
   probably  have  been  the main operating system for the PC except
   for  two  things  -  Digital  Research  wanted  $495 for  CP/M-86
   (considering PC-DOS  was  essentially  free)  and  many  software
   developers found it easier to port existing CP/M software to DOS
   than to the new version of CP/M.

   After eight years the  wheel  has  turned  a full circle. Digital
   Research aided IBM in writing  DOS  4.0,  which  was subsequently
   licensed back to Microsoft, which has dropped further development
   of the operating system to tilt at the windmills of OS/2.

   MS-DOS and PC-DOS have been run on more than just the  IBM-PC and
   clones. There was  an  expansion  board  for  the  Apple  ][ that
   allowed one to run (some) well - behaved DOS programs.  There are
   expansion  boards  for  the  Commodore  Amiga  2000,   the  Apple
   Macintosh II, and the IBM RT PC allowing them to run DOS, and the
   IBM 3270 PC, which  ran  DOS on a 68000 microprocessor. The Atari
   STs  can run an emulator program called  PC-Ditto  and  boot  any
   version of MS-DOS with full functionality.

   Various other operating systems are  available  for  the  IBM PC.
   These include:

   Digital Research CP/M-86
   Digital Research Concurrent CP/M-86 (multi-tasking)
   Digital Research Concurrent DOS (PC-DOS compatible, multi-tasking)
   Digital Research Concurrent DOS (PC-DOS compatible, multi-tasking,
   Digital Research Concurrent DOS 386 (same, for 80386 computers)
   Digital Research DR-DOS 3.31, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0  (PC-DOS clones)
   Wendin-DOS  (PC-DOS compatible, multi-tasking, multi-user)
   QNX   (multi-tasking, multi-user)
   UNIX  (various systems from IBM itself, Microsoft-SCO, Bell, and
          various UNIX clones, single and multi-user)
   PC-MOS/386 (PC-DOS clone, multi-user, multi-tasking)

   "Shell" programs exist which use  DOS  only  for  disk management
   while  they  more  or less comprise a new operating system. These


   NEC V-series CPUs can execute Intel 8080/8085  8-bit instructions
   as well as the 16-bit 8088-up instructions. They can run standard
   Digital Research 8-bit CP/M and MP/M directly, as  well  as other
   operating systems developed for that processor.

   Specific Versions of MS/PC-DOS:

   DOS  version  nomenclature:  major.minor.minor.  The digit to the
   left of the decimal point indicates a major  DOS  version change.
   1.0 was  the first version. 2.0 added support for subdirectories,
   3.0 added support for  networking,  4.0  added support for Lotus-
   Intel-Microsoft   EMS.  The   first   minor   version   indicates
   customisation for a  major  application. For example, 2.1 for the
   PCjr, 3.3 for the  PS/2s.  The second minor version does not seem
   to have any particular meaning.

   The main versions of DOS are:

    86-DOS       August   1980  Seattle Computer Products
    PC-DOS 1.0   August   1981  Original release
    PC-DOS 1.1   March    1982  Bugfix, double sided drive support
    MS-DOS 1.25  March    1982  For early compatibles
    PC-DOS 2.0   March    1983  For PC/XT, many UNIX-like functions
    PC-DOS 2.1   October  1983  For PCjr, bugfixes for 2.0
    MS-DOS 2.11  October  1983  Compatible equivalent to 2.1
    PC-DOS 3.0   August   1984  1.2 meg drive for PC/AT
    PC-DOS 3.1   March    1985  Bugfix for 3.0, network support
    MS-DOS 2.25  October  1985  Compatible; foreign language support
    PC-DOS 3.2   December 1985  720k 3.5 inch drive for Convertible
    PC-DOS 3.3   April    1987  For PS/2, 1.44, multiple partitions
    PC-DOS 4.0   June     1988  32+ meg DOS partitions, EMS support
    PC-DOS 5.0   June     1991  XMS, upper memory blocks, HMA

   Some  versions  of  MS-DOS varied from PC-DOS  in  the  available
   external commands. Some OEMs only  licensed  the  basic operating
   system code (the xxxDOS  and  xxxBIO  programs,  and COMMAND.COM)
   from  Microsoft,  and  either  wrote  the   rest   themselves  or
   contracted them from outside software houses  like  Phoenix. Most
   of the external programs for DOS 3.x are written in "C" while the
   1.x and 2.x utilities  were  written  in assembly language. Other
   OEMs required  customised  versions  of  DOS  for  their specific
   hardware  configurations,  such  as  Sanyo  55x  and  early Tandy
   computers, which were unable to exchange their DOS  with  the IBM

   At  least  two  versions  of  DOS  have  been  modified to be run
   entirely out of ROM. The Sharp PC5000 had MS-DOS 1.25 in ROM, and
   the Toshiba 1000 and some Tandy models have MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM.

   PC-DOS 3.0 was extremely buggy on release. It does not handle the
   DOS environment  correctly  and  there  are  numerous  documented
   problems with the batch file  parser. The network support code is
   also nonfunctional in this  DOS  version.  It is recommended that
   users upgrade to at least version 3.1.

   DEC MS-DOS versions 2.11 for  the Rainbow had the ANSI.SYS device
   driver built into the main code.

   IBM  had  a  version  1.85  of  PC-DOS  in  April 1983, after the
   introduction of DOS 2.0. It  was evidently for internal use only,
   supported multiple  drive  file  searches  (a  primitive  form of
   PATH), built-in  MODE commands for screen support, a /P parameter
   for TYPE for paused screens, an editable command  stack  like the
   public domain DOSEDIT.COM utility, and  could be set up to remain
   completely resident in RAM instead of  a  resident/transient part
   like normal  DOS.  It  is  a  pity  some of the heat enhancements
   didn't  make  it  into DOS 2.0. IBM also had an internal use only
   version 3.4, evidently used while developing DOS 4.0.

   Some versions of DOS used in compatibles do not maintain the 1.x,
   2.x  numbering system. Columbia Data Products computers  labelled
   DOS 1.25 as DOS 2.0. Early Compaq's labelled DOS 2.0 as  DOS 1.x.
   Other versions incorporated special features  -  Compaq  DOS 3.31
   and Wyse DOS 3.21 both support 32-bit File Allocation Tables.

   AT&T DOS  3.1  differs  from  generic  MS-DOS  3.10 in its use of
   cluster-size and  file  allocation  table  structures.  AT&T  DOS
   appears to use rules not from version 3, but  rather  those  from
   version 2.

   Epson  Equity  III  and  ComputerLand  3.10 DOS's appear  to  use
   cluster techniques that are a cross between versions 2 and  3. On
   type DOS partitions, these DOS's use 3.x rules  if  the partition
   is larger than 32,680 sectors in total size. This implies  16 bit
   FAT entries as well. On partitions below this size, they will use
   2.x rules, including the 12 bit FAT entries.

   Zenith DOS 3.x and  Wyse  DOS 3.2 have a built-in internal device
   driver to handle up to 4 32Mb DOS  partitions  on  a  single hard
   disk. Wyse DOS 3.31  will  handle  single  partitions up to 512Mb
   with a 32-bit FAT.

   According to PC Week  Magazine,  July  4,1988, Arabic versions of
   MS-DOS are shipping with a hardware  copy-protection  system from
   Rainbow Technologies. This is similar to  the  short-lived system
   used by AutoCAD 2.52 and a very few other MS-DOS  programs, where
   an adapter block is plugged into the parallel  port  and software
   makes  use of coded bytes within the block.  This  type  of  copy
   protection has been  common  on  Commodore  products  for several
   years, where it is called a "dongle."

   The AutoCAD dongle was defeated by a small program written within
   weeks of version 2.52's debut. Version 2.62 was released somewhat
   later, without  the dongle. The DOS dongle will, however, prevent
   the system from booting at all unless it is found.

   This makes  the Arabic version of MS-DOS the first copy-protected
   operating  system,   a   dubious   distinction   at   best.   The
   modifications to the  operating  system to support the dongle are
   not known at this time.

   Microsoft  changed  their OEM licensing  agreements  between  DOS
   versions  2.x  and  3.x.  OEM  versions of DOS 3.x must  maintain
   certain data areas and undocumented functions in order to provide
   compatibility with  the  networking  features  of  the  operating
   system.  For this reason, resident programs  will  be  much  more
   reliable when operating under DOS 3.x.

   IBM's release of DOS 4.0 (and the immediate subsequent release of
   a bugfix)  is  a  dubious  step  "forward."  DOS 4.0 is the first
   version of DOS to come with a warranty;  the  catch  is  that IBM
   warrants it only for a very slim list  of  IBM-packaged software.
   4.0 has some minor EMS support, support for large hard disks, and
   not  much  else.  With its voracious RAM requirements and lack of
   compatibility with previous versions of DOS (many  major software
   packages crash under DOS 4.0), plus the increase in  price  to  a
   cool $150, there has been no great rush to go to the newest DOS.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .