Interrupt 31h   Simulate Real Mode                            

Notes:  The CALL 5 entry point does a FAR jump to here
  Allows protected-mode software to execute real-mode interrupts
  such as calls to MS-DOS, MS-DOS TSRs, MS-DOS device drivers.
  This function implements the "Simulate Real Mode Interrupt"
  function of the DPMI specification v0.9 and later.
        Number of the interrupt to simulate.
        Call structure that contains params (register values)
        for bIntNum.
  Return Value
     SimulateRM_Int returns TRUE if it succeeded or FALSE if
     it failed.
     lpCallStruct is a protected-mode selector:offset address, not
     a real-mode segment:offset address.
BOOL FAR PASCAL SimulateRM_Int (BYTE bIntNum, LPRMCS lpCallStruct)
   BOOL fRetVal = FALSE;        // Assume failure
   _asm {
         push di
         mov  ax, 0300h         ; DPMI Simulate Real Mode Interrupt
         mov  bl, bIntNum       ; Number of the interrupt to simulate
         mov  bh, 01h           ; Bit 0 = 1; all other bits must be 0
         xor  cx, cx            ; No words to copy from PM to RM stack
         les  di, lpCallStruct  ; Real mode call structure
         int  31h               ; Call DPMI
         jc   END1              ; CF set if error occurred
         mov  fRetVal, TRUE
         pop di
   return (fRetVal);

struct strRMCS
DWORD edi, esi, ebp, RESERVED, ebx, edx, ecx, eax;
WORD wFlags, es, ds, fs, gs, ip, cs, sp, ss;

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .