Country Information for DOS3 and DOS4 (Func 38h)               

        00h   2 BYTEs   Date format   0 = USA    mm dd yy
                                      1 = Europe dd mm yy
                                      2 = Japan  yy mm dd
        02h   5 BYTEs   Currency symbol string, ASCIIZ
        07h     BYTE    Thousands separator char
        08h     BYTE    00h
        09h     BYTE    Decimal separator char
        0Ah     BYTE    00h
        0Bh     BYTE    Date separator char
        0Ch     BYTE    00h
        0Dh     BYTE    Time separator char
        0Eh     BYTE    00h
        0Fh     BYTE    Currency format
Currency Format
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  Currency Symbol follows value
1 2 02h  Space between Value and Currency Symbol
2 4 04h  Currency Symbol replaces Decimal Point
3 8 08h  Not Used
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
        10h     BYTE    Number of digits after decimal in currency
        11h     BYTE    Time format
Time Format
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  24 Hour Clock
1 2 02h  Not Used
2 4 04h
3 8 08h
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
        12h     DWORD   Address of case map routine
                        (FAR CALL, AL = Char)
        16h     BYTE    Data-list separator char
        17h     BYTE    00h
        18h  10 BYTEs   Reserved

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .