BUILD BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)                       

       command code = 2

               ES:BX   pointer to request header. Format:
                       length    field
                       byte      media descriptor from DOS
                       dword     transfer address (buffer address)
                       dword     pointer to BPB table

       DOS calls BUILD BPB under the following two conditions:

       A)   If "media changed" is returned

       B)   If "not sure" is returned, there are no  used  buffers. Used
            buffers are buffers with changed  data that has not yet been
            written to the disk.

       The driver must do the following:

       A)   set the pointer to the BPB

       B)   set the status word in the request header.

       The driver must determine the correct media type currently in the
       unit to return the pointer to  the  BPB table. The way the buffer
       is  used (pointer passed by DOS) is  determined  by  the  non-IBM
       format bit in the attribute field of the device  header.  If  bit
       13=0 (device is IBM  compatible),  the  buffer contains the first
       sector of the FAT (most importantly the FAT ID byte).  The driver
       must not alter this buffer in  this  case. If bit 13=1 the buffer
       is a one sector scratch area which can be used for anything.

       For drivers that support volume identification  and  disk change,
       the call should cause a new volume identification to be  read off
       the  disk. This call indicates that the  disk  has  been  legally

       If the device is IBM compatible,  it  must be true that the first
       sector of the first FAT is located at  the  same  sector  for all
       possible media. This is because the FAT sector is read before the
       media is actually determined.

       The information relating to  the  BPB  for  a particular media is
       kept in the boot sector for the media. In particular,  the format
       of the boot sector is:

       | For DOS 2.x, 3 byte near jump (0E9h) For DOS 3.x, 2 byte near |
       | jump (0EBh) followed by a NOP (90h)                           |
       | 8 bytes  |  OEM name and version                              |
       |   BYTE   |     |  sectors per allocation unit (must be a      |
       |          |     |  power of 2)                                 |
       +----------+     +----------------------------------------------+
       |   WORD   |  B  |  reserved sectors (strarting at logical      |
       |          |     |  sector 0)                                   |
       +----------+     +----------------------------------------------+
       |   BYTE   |     |  number of FATs                              |
       +----------+     +----------------------------------------------+
       |   WORD   |  P  |  max number of root directory entries        |
       +----------+     +----------------------------------------------+
       |   WORD   |     |  number of sectors in logical image (total   |
       |          |     |  number of sectors in media, including boot  |
       |          |     |  sector, directories, etc.)                  |
       +----------+  B  +----------------------------------------------+
       |   BYTE   |     |  media descriptor                            |
       +----------+     +----------------------------------------------+
       |   WORD   |     |  number of sectors occupied by a single FAT  |
       |   WORD   |  sectors per track                                 |
       |   WORD   |  number of heads                                   |
       |   WORD   |  number of hidden sectors                          |

       The  three  words  at the end return information about the media.
       The number  of heads is useful for supporting different multihead
       drives that have the same storage capacity but a different number
       of surfaces. The number  of  hidden  sectors  is useful for drive
       partitioning schemes.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .