
       command codes = 8 and 10

               ES:BX   pointer to a request header. Format:
                       length          field

       This driver must perform the following:

               A)     perform the requested function

               B)     set the busy bit

               C)     set the status word in the request header.

       For input on character devices: if the busy bit is 1 on return, a
       write request would wait for  completion of a current request. If
       the  busy bit is 0, there is no  current  request.  Therefore,  a
       write request would start immediately.

       For input on character devices with a buffer: if the busy  bit is
       1 on return, a read request  does  to the physical device. If the
       busy  bit  is  0, there are characters in the device buffer and a
       read returns quickly. It  also  indicates  that  a user has typed
       something. DOS assumes all character  devices  have  a type-ahead
       input buffer. Devices that do  not have this buffer should always
       return busy=0 so that DOS does not hang  waiting  for information
       to be put in a buffer that does not exist.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .