REMOVABLE MEDIA (DOS 3.x)                           

       command code = 15

               ES:BX   pointer
                       length    field
                       13 bytes  status request header

       To use this call, set bit 11 of the attribute  field  to 1. Block
       devices can only use this call through a subfunction of the IOCTL
       function  call (44h). This call is useful  because  it  allows  a
       utility to know whether it is dealing with  a  nonremovable media
       drive  or  with  a removable media drive. For example, the FORMAT
       utility  needs  to  know   whether   a   drive  is  removable  or
       nonremovable  because  it   prints  different  versions  of  some

       The information is returned  in  the BUSY bit of the status word.
       If the busy bit is 1, the media is nonremovable.

       Note: No error checking  is  performed.  It  is assumed that this
             call always succeeds.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .