INSTALLING DEVICE DRIVERS                           

       DOS  installs  new  device drivers dynamically at  boot  time  by
       reading and processing the DEVICE command in the config.sys file.
       For example, if you have  written a device driver called DRIVER1,
       to install it put this command in the CONFIG.SYS file:


       DOS  calls a device driver at its  strategy  entry  point  first,
       passing in a  request  header the information describing what DOS
       wants the device driver to do.

       This strategy routine does not  perform  the  request  but rather
       queues the request or saves a pointer to the request  header. The
       second entry point is the interrupt routine and is called  by DOS
       immediately  after  the  strategy  routine returns. The interrupt
       routine is called with no  parameters. Its function is to perform
       the operation based on  the  queued request and set up any return

       DOS  passes  the  pointer  to  the request header in ES:BX.  This
       structure consists of  a  fixed  length  header  (Request Header)
       followed by data pertinent to the operation to be performed.

       NOTE:     It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  device  driver to
                 preserve the  machine  state.  For  example,  save  all
                 registers on entry and restore them on exit.

       The stack used by DOS has enough  room  on  it  to  save  all the
       registers. If more  stack  space  is  needed,  it  is  the device
       driver's responsibility to allocate and maintain another stack.

       All  calls  to  execute device drivers are FAR calls. FAR returns
       should be executed to return to DOS.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .