COMMAND CODE FIELD                              

       The  command  code  field in the  request  header  can  have  the
       following values:

             CODE      FUNCTION

               0       INIT
               1       MEDIA CHECK        (block only,NOP for character)
               2       BUILD BPB          (block    only,     NOP    for
               3       IOCTL input        (called only if  IOCTL  bit is
               4       INPUT              (read)
               5       NONDESTRUCTIVE INPUT NO WAIT (character   devices
               6       INPUT STATUS       (character devices only)
               7       INPUT FLUSH        (character devices only)
               8       OUTPUT             (write)

               9       OUTPUT             (write with verify)
               10      OUTPUT STATUS      (character devices only)
               11      OUTPUT FLUSH       (character devices only)
               12      IOCTL OUTPUT       (called only if  IOCTL  bit is
               13      DEVICE OPEN        (called only  if OPEN/CLOSE/RM
                                          bit is set)
               14      DEVICE CLOSE       (called only  if OPEN/CLOSE/RM
                                          bit is set)
               15      REMOVEABLE MEDIA   (called only  if OPEN/CLOSE/RM
                                          bit  is  set  and  device   is

       NOTE:     Command  codes  13,14,and  15  are  for  use  with  DOS
                 versions 3.x

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .