Device Driver Status Field
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 0001h  Error message return code (with bit 15=1)
1 2 0002h
2 4 0004h
3 8 0008h
4 16 0010h
5 32 0020h
6 64 0040h
7 128 0080h
8 256 0100h  DONE
9 512 0200h  BUSY
10 1024 0400h  Reserved
11 2048 0800h
12 4096 1000h
13 8192 2000h
14 16384 4000h
15 32768 8000h  Error
       The status word field is zero on entry and is  set  by the driver
       interrupt routine on return.

       BIT 15    is the error bit. If this bit is set, the low 8 bits of
                 the status word (7-0) indicate the error code.

       BITS 14-10 are reserved.

       BIT 9     is the busy bit. It is only set by status calls and the
                 removable  media  call.  See  "STATUS"  and  "REMOVABLE
                 MEDIA" in this chapter for more  information  about the

       BIT 8     is the done bit.  If  it is set, it means the operation
                 is  complete.  The  driver  sets  the bit to 1 when  it

       The  low 8 bits of the status word define an error message if bit
       15 is set. These errors are:

               00h  Write protect violation
               01h  Unknown unit
               02h  Device not ready
               03h  Unknown command
               04h  CRC error
               05h  Bad drive request structure length
               06h  seek error
               07h  unknown media
               08h  sector not found
               09h  printer out of paper
               0Ah  write fault
               0Bh  read fault
               0Ch  general failure
               0Dh  reserved
               0Eh  reserved
               0Fh  invalid disk change

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .