Structure of .EXE file header:                        

        00h     WORD    4Dh, 5Ah signature (sometimes 5Ah, 4Dh)
        02h     WORD    Image size remainder (program size mod 512)
        04h     WORD    File size in pages (program size div 512)
        06h     WORD    Number of relocation items
        08h     WORD    Header size in paragraphs
        0Ah     WORD    Minimum extra paragraphs needed
        0Ch     WORD    Maximum extra paragraphs needed
        0Eh     WORD    Stack segment
        10h     WORD    Stack offset
        12h     WORD    Word checksum of entire file
        14h     DWORD   Initial CS:IP
        18h     WORD    Offset of relocation table
        1Ah     WORD    Overlay number

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