Partition Table Layout

0000hPartition Code
1st Entry in the Partition Table
2nd Entry in the Partition Table
3rd Entry in the Partition Table
4th Entry in the Partition Table
01FEhPartition Sector Recognition Code (AA55h)


00hBYTEPartition Status
   00h = Inactive
   80h = Boot Partition
01hBYTEStart Head
02hWORDStart Sector & Cylinder
04hBYTEPartition Type
   00h = None
   01h = DOS with 12-bit FAT
   02h = XENIX
   03h = XENIX
   04h = DOS with 16-bit FAT
   05h = Extended DOS Partition (>=3.3)
   06h = DOS 4 Partition with > 32M
   DBh = Concurrent DOS
Other codes possible with different OS's or driver software
05hBYTEEnding Head
06hWORDEnding Sector & Cylinder
08hDWORDDistance of First Sector (Boot Sector)
from the Partition sector (measured in sectors)
0ChDWORDNumber of Sectors in this Partition

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