8250 UART
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                 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter                  

                       Port assignments and meanings:

       Port 3F8 Transmit/Receive Buffer or Divisor Latch LSB
                (baud rate divisor LSB) if bit 7 of port 3FB is set

       Port 3F9 Interrupt Enable Register (IER) or baud rate divisor
                MSB if bit 7 of port 3FB is set
Port 2F9, 3F9
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  1 = enable data available int.
1 2 02h  1 = enable (THRE) interrupt
2 4 04h  1 = enable lines status int.
3 8 08h  1 = enable modem-status-change int.
4 16 10h  forced to zero
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
       Port 3FA Interrupt Identification Register (IIR, prioritized)
Port 2FA, 3FA
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  1 = no int. pending, 0=int. pending
1 2 02h  Interrupt ID bits (see below)
2 4 04h
3 8 08h  forced to zero
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
       Bits Meaning                 Priority     To reset
        00  modem-status-change      lowest      read MSR
        01  transmit-register-empty  low         read IIR / write THR
        10  data-available           high        read rec buffer reg
        11  line-status              highest     read LSR

       - interrupt pending flag uses reverse logic, 0 = pending, 1 = none
       - interrupt will occur if any of the line status bits are set
       - THRE bit is set when THRE register is emptied into the TSR

                    Port 3FB Line Control Register (LCR)
Port 2FB, 3FB
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  word length select bits (see below)
1 2 02h
2 4 04h  0 = 1 stop bit, 1=1.5 or 2 bits
3 8 08h  0 = no parity, 1 = parity (PEN)
4 16 10h  0 = odd parity, 1 = even (EPS)
5 32 20h  0 = parity disabled, 1 = enabled
6 64 40h  0 = break disabled, 1 = enabled
7 128 80h  1 = addr baud rate divisor (DLAB)
       Word length bits:

             00 = 5 bits per character
             01 = 6 bits per character
             10 = 7  bits per character
             11 = 8 bits per character

                   Port 3FC Modem Control Register (MCR)
Port 2FC, 3FC
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  1 = activate DTR
1 2 02h  1 = activate RTS
2 4 04h  OUT1
3 8 08h  OUT2
4 16 10h  0 = normal, 1 = loop back test
5 32 20h  forced to zero
6 64 40h
7 128 80h
                    Port 3FD Line Status Register (LSR)
Port 2FD, 3FD
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  1 = data ready
1 2 02h  1 = overrun error (OR)
2 4 04h  1 = parity error (PE)
3 8 08h  1 = framing error (FE)
4 16 10h  1 = break interrupt  (BI)
5 32 20h  1 = trans. hold reg. empty (THRE)
6 64 40h  1 = trans. shift reg. empty (TSRE)
7 128 80h  forced to zero
                    Port 3FE Modem Status Register (MSR)
Port 2FE, 3FE
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  1 = CTS changed state
1 2 02h  1 = DSR changed state
2 4 04h  1 = Ring Indicator changed state
3 8 08h  1 = rec. line signal detect chg state
4 16 10h  1 = CTS
5 32 20h  1 = DSR
6 64 40h  1 = ring indicator (RI)
7 128 80h  1 = receive line signal detect
                  Port 3FF Scratch Pad Register (2FF also)

       - 8250s, 16450s and 16550s are programmed identically
       - PCs are capable of 38.4Kb, while ATs are capable of 115.2Kb
       - see  INT TABLE  for IRQ interrupt assignments
       - see  PORTS  for COMx port assignment (3F8,2F8,3E8,2E8,3220...)
       - may lose THRE interrupt if THRE and RD/LS int occur simultaneously
       - data loss can occur w/o overrun/framing errors if serviced to slow

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .