Set Byte after Comparrison
86/88 |
N |
186 |
N |
286 |
N |
386 |
Y |
486 |
Y |
SETxx destination |
Ovfl |
N |
Dir |
N |
Int |
N |
Trap |
N |
Sign |
N |
Zero |
N |
Aux |
N |
Prty |
N |
Carry |
N |
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the condition is true
otherwise sets the operand to 0.
The condition can be one of the following:
A Above NA Not Above NO No Overflow
AE Above or Equal NAE Not Above or Equal NP No Parity
B Below NB Not Below NS No Sign
BE Below or Equal NBE Not Below or Equal NZ Not Zero
C Carry NC No Carry O Overflow
E Equal NE Not Equal P Parity
G Greater NG Not Greater PE Parity Even
GE Greater or Equal NGE Not Greater or Equal PO Parity Odd
L Less NL Not Less S Sign
LE Less or Equal NLE Not Less or Equal Z Zero
------------------------------------ Timing ----------------------------------
OpCode Instruction 386 286 86
0F 97 SETA r/m8 4/5
0F 93 SETAE r/m8 4/5
0F 92 SETB r/m8 4/5
0F 96 SETBE r/m8 4/5
0F 92 SETC r/m8 4/5
0F 94 SETE r/m8 4/5
0F 9F SETG r/m8 4/5
0F 9D SETGE r/m8 4/5
0F 9C SETL r/m8 4/5
0F 9E SETLE r/m8 4/5
0F 96 SETNA r/m8 4/5
0F 92 SETNAE r/m8 4/5
0F 93 SETNB r/m8 4/5
0F 97 SETNBE r/m8 4/5
0F 93 SETNC r/m8 4/5
0F 95 SETNE r/m8 4/5
0F 9E SETNG r/m8 4/5
0F 9C SETNGE r/m8 4/5
0F 9D SETNL r/m8 4/5
0F 9F SETNLE r/m8 4/5
0F 91 SETNO r/m8 4/5
0F 9B SETNP r/m8 4/5
0F 99 SETNS r/m8 4/5
0F 95 SETNZ r/m8 4/5
0F 90 SETO r/m8 4/5
0F 9A SETP r/m8 4/5
0F 9A SETPE r/m8 4/5
0F 9B SETPO r/m8 4/5
0F 98 SETS r/m8 4/5
0F 94 SETZ r/m8 4/5
------------------------------------ Logic -----------------------------------
if condition is true
MOV destination, 1
MOV destination, 0