Error Codes
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                     EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER ERROR CODES                      

     EMM error codes are returned in AH after a call to the EMM (int 67h)

     Code Meaning

     00h  Function successful
     80h  Internal error in EMM software (possibly corrupted driver)
     81h  Hardware malfunction
     82h  EMM busy (dropped in EEMS 3.2)
     83h  Invalid EMM handle
     84h  Function requested not defined - unknown function code in AH.
     85h  No more EMM handles availible
     86h  Error in save or restore of mapping context
     87h  More pages requested than exist
     88h  Allocation   request  specified  more  logical  pages   than
          currently availible  in  system  (request  does  not  exceed
          actual  physical  number  of  pages,  but  some  are already
          allocated to other handles); no pages allocated
     89h  Zero pages; cannot be allocated (dropped in EMS 4.0)
     8Ah  Logical page requested to be mapped outside range of logical
          pages assigned to handle
     8Bh  Illegal page  number in mapping request (valid numbers are 0
          to 3)
     8Ch  Page-mapping hardware state save area full
     8Dh  Save of mapping context failed; save  area  already contains
          context associated with page handle
     8Eh  Retore of mapping context failed; save area does not contain
          context for requested handle
     8Fh  Subfunction parameter not defined (unknown function)

                        LIM 4.0 extended error codes:                         

     90h  Attribute type undefined
     91h  Warm boot data save not implemented
     92h  Move overlaps memory
     93h  Move/exchange larger than allocated region
     94h  Conventional/expanded regions overlap
     95h  Logical page offset outside of logical page
     96h  Region larger than 1 MB
     97h  Exchange source/destination overlap
     98h  Source/destination undefined or not supported
     99h  (no status assigned)
     9Ah  Alternate map register sets supported, specified set is not
     9Bh  All alternate map & DMA register sets allocated
     9Ch  Alternate map & DMA register sets not supported
     9Dh  Alternate map  register or DMA set not defined, allocated or
          is currently defined set
     9Eh  Dedicated DMA channels not supported
     9Fh  Dedicated DMA channels supported; specifed channel is not
     A0h  Named handle could not be found
     A1h  Handle name already exists
     A2h  Move/exchange wraps around 1 MB boundry
     A3h  Data structure contains corrupted data
     A4h  Access denied
See Also History Programming Specifications Func/40h Func/4Eh/00h

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .