Set the record / play control byte                      
Func AX 01h
Param DX Value to set the control byte to
Return AX None
Delay None
        When specific bits are set (to 1), record and playback functions
        will abort if the associated event is detected.  The Record or
        Playback routine will return the value of the bit to indicate
        which event was detected.  Additionally the  ANSWER_DETECT
        command requires that the KEYBD_INT bit be set in order to break
        out of the answer detect routine with a keystroke.
Control Byte
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  SILEN_INT  Silence timeout elapsed
1 2 02h  LOCAL_HNG  Local Phone hung up
2 4 04h  FWDIS_INT  Forward disconnect clunk detected
3 8 08h  DTMF_INT   Touchtone detected
4 16 10h  ALARM_INT  Alarm fired
5 32 20h  LOCAL_INT  Local Phone picked up
6 64 40h  KEYBD_INT  Keyboard key pressed
7 128 80h  DIALT_INT  Dialtone, checked every 4 seconds

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .