Wait for and return a DTMF character                      
Func AX 08h
Param DX Seconds to wait for tone, can be zero
Return AX An ASCII character '0'-'9' or '*','#','A','B','C','D' or -1 if no DTMF detected
Delay From zero or until the tone completes
        Wait for and return a DTMF (touchtone) character.  The ASCII
        value of the received touchtone is returned.  If a DTMF terminates
        a RECORD or PLAY, it is returned when this function is called.
        A timeout can be passed as a parameter to set the number of
        seconds to wait for the reception of a touchtone.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .