Sample line, return # zero crossings in 32ms                  
Func AX 13h
Param DX None
Return AX Number of zero crossings in 32ms. period
Delay 32ms
    Sample the line and return the number of zero crossing in 32 ms. The
    number returned is the number of times the analog signal changes from
    negative to positive  voltages as tracked by sampling the signal through
    the ADC (analog to digital converter). This information can be used to
    determine the average frequency on the line during the 32ms period. The
    CROSS_COUNT routine only counts the crossings from negative voltage to
    positive voltage so the each unit represents a full wave. The frequency
    can determined by multiplying the return by 31.25 (1/.032). For example,
    14 * 31.25 = 437.5 Hz, average dialtone frequency. The returned value is
    low or zero if there is silence on the line.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .