Start recording uncompressed                          
Func AX 21h
Param DX None
Return AX Zero or the value of termination condition
(same as bit values in SET_CTRL)
Delay 8000 bytes per second
    Record into memory without compression.  RECORD_NO_CMP starts at the
    segment set by SET_START and continues recording until the limit set
    by SET_END or until a termination condition set by SET_CTRL exists. Data
    represents actual byte values sampled from the ADC.  (range is 0 - 255,
    128 is considered 0 voltage value, value > 128 are positive voltages,
    values < 128 are negative voltages) Data is generated at the rate of
    the on board clock speed (8.0 Khz = 8000 bytes per second).

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .