Set reference level to check for ringing                    
Func AX 24h
Param DX The ringing voltage level to check for (135 default)
Return AX None
Delay None
    Set the level to reference when waiting for a ring. It is not necessary
    to set this function unless RING_WAIT does not detect an incoming ring.
    If this function is not set then the default value is 135. Rings are
    detected by monitoring the line in an on hook state with the analog to
    digital converter (ADC). Because the line is on hook, only large signals
    (such as a ring) get through.  Not much of the voltage from a ring gets
    through so the rand of the resulting signal is quite small. The range of
    valid parameter values is from 128 (the zero value, if you set it to
    this you will get a ring detect from a silent line) to around 150 (the
    largest value you could expect from an incoming ring).

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .