Determine exit point from ANSWER_DETECT                     
Func AX 2Ch
Param DX None
Return AX See table below
Delay None
Note Return is invalid unless ANSWER_DETECT is called prior to calling ANSWER_DEBUG
        Returns a number that indicates the exit point from the
        ANSWER_DETECT routine.This function is useful in determining
        proper settings of parameters to the ANSWER_DETECT routine.

       Ret Answer    Exit Condition
        1    5       Timeout, 30 seconds and no ring or busy received
        2    5       Timeout, 60 seconds and no speech detected is enabled
        3    4       Keystroke, a key was pressed and KEYBD_INT is enabled
        4    0       speech detect, silence > busy interval and double
                     ring interval after apparent busy detected
        5    0       Speech detect, silence > ring interval after apparent
                     ring or busy detect
        6    0       Speech detect, tone < ring detected after prev ring
        7    0       Speech detect, tone < busy detected after
                     previous busy or ring detected
        8    1       Max rings, double ring count > ring argument
        9    2       Max busies, busy count > busies (4)
        10   1       Max rings, ring count > ring argument
        11   0       Speech detect, deviation of signal > sensitive * 8
        12   5       Timeout, operator intercept was detected
        13   0       Speech detect, signal > 2.5 seconds longer than
                     longest call progress tone

     Ret = return code from ANSWER_DEBUG

      AD = return from ANSWER_DETECT

        The < > and = characters refer to comparisons of lengths of
        tones and intervals detected in the answer detect algorithm.
        See ANSWER_DETECT for ANSWER_DETECT return codes.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .