Conditional Interrupt Variables
Bit Dec Hex Name  Description
0 1 01h SILEN_INT  Silence for a preset amount of time.
1 2 02h LOCAL_HNG  The local phone goes on-hook.
2 4 04h FWDIS_INT  Forward disconnect signal detected
 (caller hungup clunk).
3 8 08h DTMF_INT  A touchtone is detected.
4 16 10h ALARM_INT  The event latch has been set.
5 32 20h LOCAL_INT  The local phone goes off-hook.
6 64 40h KEYBD_INT  Any key is pressed on the PC keyboard.
7 128 80h DIALT_INT  Dial tone is detected.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .