Group File Format (V1.2)                           

When the event type in a Control File (offset 0) is 4 (Group send) or 5
(Group Polled Receive), the application must also create a Group File that
contains information about the members of the group.  The file name of the
Group File must then be placed in the "Phone number to call" field of its
associated Control File to link the two files.  No pathname is given for
the Group File.  Instead, the Group File must reside in the same directory
as its associated Control File.

The Group File contains multiple records, one for each member of the group.

Note:     Entries in this file must be for individuals.  There is
          no mechanism for nesting groups.

A record in the Group File has the following format:

      Offset   Length Description

     0    1    Transfer type for individual sub-event.  Values are
                 0 - 200x200 dpi, fax mode
                 1 - 100x200 dpi, fax mode
                 2 - File transfer mode
                 3-127 - Reserved

     1    2    Individual status.  The status of a sub-event.  Set to zero.
                 Values correspond to the Status of Event field in a
                 Control File:
                 0 - Successfully completed
                 1 - Waiting to be processed
                 2 - Number dialed or event in progress
                 3 - Connection made -- sending
                 4 - Connection made -- receiving
                 5 - Event was cancelled
                 6-32767 - Reserved
                 Negative numbers - Error.

     3    47   Phone Number to Call.  This is the phone number of the group
                 member this record pertains to.  An ASCIIZ string.

     50   32   Destination Name.  The group member's destination name as an
                 ASCIIZ string.

     82   2    Event Handle.  This is the event handle of the sub-event
                 associated with this group member.  The Resident Manager
                 assigns this value.  Initialize to zero.

     84   44   Reserved.

See Also Transmit a single file Error Codes

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .