PCX Graphics Image Too Short                         

If the bottom of a PCX image is cut off, check for the following things:

  :  Is there enough vertical space provided to include the image?

     The PCX graphics image is overlaid on the image produced by the Epson
     printer emulator.  This allows you to have PCX graphic data and
     printer output on the same horizontal line.  The Epson print file must
     provide the vertical space for the PCX graphics image.  The most
     common way of providing this space is to include enough blank lines in
     the print file to contain the PCX graphics image.  Vertical tabs can
     also be used to provide the space, but a form-feed signals the end of
     a page and will also force the end of the graphics image.

  :  Does the image completely fit on the current page?

     PCX graphics images will not span page boundaries.  They are cut off
     at the bottom of the current page.

  :  Is another PCX graphics image being merged before the current image is

     Only one PCX graphics image may be merged at a time.  If an image is
     still being merged and a command to merge a second image is
     encountered, the merge of the first image is stopped, and the merge of
     the second image begins.

See Also EP2DCX Exit Codes and Errors Error Codes

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .