PCX File Errors PCX files are required to have a special 128-byte header. If the file is less than 128 bytes or if it doesn't contain the PCX file identifier, the error "PCX header invalid" is generated. If any of the following parameters in the PCX header are not as listed below, the error "PCX file type invalid" is generated: : Encoding method must be 1. : Bits-per-pixel must be 1. : The upper-left-corner horizontal and vertical coordinates must both be zero. : The lower vertical coordinate must be nonzero. : The number of color planes must be 1. If the data in a PCX graphics image contains values that are invalid for PCX-encoded files, the exit code "PCX image data format error" is returned. The right-hand horizontal coordinate of a PCX file must be 1727 or less and the horizontal line width in bytes must be 216 or less. If either of these values is too large, or zero, the error "PCX image too wide" is generated. The PCX header specifies the number of horizontal lines of image data that are contained in the file. If EP2DCX detects an end-of-file before it converts the specified number of lines of data, the error "PCX file has premature end-of-file" is generated. See Also Error Codes |