Gets data from a Blob, when opened for reading                

function PXBlobGet

   (BlbHandle        : BlobHandle;    { Blob handle to read from          }
    Size             : Word;          { size of data to be read           }
    Offset           : Longint;       { offset from start of Blob to read }
    var Buffer): Integer;             { buffer to contain data from Blob  }

Errors: PXERR_BLOBMODE       51  Operation not applicable for Blobs open mode
        PXERR_BLOBINVOFFSET  53  Invalid offset into Blob
        PXERR_BLOBINVSIZE    54  Invalid size for Blob
        PXERR_BLOBMODIFIED   55  Another user modified Blob
        PXERR_BLOBINVHANDLE  59  Invalid Blob handle

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