Read the part of the Blob data stored in the table (the leader) function PXBlobQuickGet (RecHandle : RecordHandle; { rec handle containing Blob field } FldHandle : FieldHandle; { field handle of Blob to be read } BufSize : Integer; { size of buffer to hold data } var Dest; { buffer to hold data from Blob } var BytesRead : Integer): Integer; { # of bytes read from the Blob } Errors: PXERR_TYPEMISMATCH 30 Data type mismatch PXERR_OUTOFMEM 40 Not enough memory to complete operation PXERR_INVFIELDHANDLE 75 Invalid field handle PXERR_INVRECHANDLE 104 Invalid record handle PXERR_BUFTOOSMALL 117 Buffer too small for result |