Creates a primary or secondary index on a table                

function PXKeyAdd

   (TblName          : String;            { name of table to add index for  }
    NFlds            : Integer;           { number of fields in index       }
    var FldHandles   : FieldHandleArray;  { array of field numbers in index }
    Mode             : Integer): Integer; { type of index to create         }
                                          { PRIMARY/SECONDARY/INCSECONDARY  }

Errors: PXERR_TABLEWRITEPRO   22  Table is write protected
        PXERR_OUTOFRANGE      31  Argument out of range
        PXERR_INVPARAMETER    33  Invalid argument
        PXERR_OUTOFDISK       41  Not enough disk space to complete operation
        PXERR_BLOBNOINDEX     57  Blob cannot be part of any key or index
        PXERR_INVFIELDNAME    74  Invalid field name
        PXERR_INVFIELDHANDLE  75  Invalid field handle
        PXERR_TABLEOPEN       83  Unable to perform operation on open table
        PXERR_TABLEPRE40      93  Feature not available for pre- 4.0 tables

        PXERR_TABLEINDEXED    94  Table is indexed
        PXERR_TABLENOTINDEXED 95  Table is not indexed
        PXERR_INVTABLENAME    99  Invalid table name
        PXERR_TABLENOTFOUND  120  Table was not found
        PXERR_RECTOOBIG      125  Record too big for index
        PXERR_TABLEBUSY      118  Table is busy
        PXERR_TABLELOCKED    119  Table is locked
        PXERR_INSUFRIGHTS     21  Insufficient password rights

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .