Initializes the Paradox environment for network operations          

function PXNetInit

   (NetNamePath      : String;             { directory containing .NET file }
    NetType          : Integer;            { type of network                }
    UserName         : String): Integer;   { user name, as put in .NET file }

Errors: PXERR_NETMULTIPLE     15  Multiple PARADOX.NET files
        PXERR_OUTOFMEM        40  Not enough memory to complete operation
        PXERR_ALREADYINIT     82  Engine already initialized
        PXERR_NOTLOGGEDIN     98  Could not login on network (to PARADOX.NET)
        PXERR_INVSORTORDER   112  Invalid sort order table
        PXERR_INVDIRNAME     114  Invalid directory name
        PXERR_INVNETTYPE     113  Invalid net type (PXNetInit)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .