Adds records from one table to another table                 

function PXTblAdd

   (SrcName          : String;                { source table of add      }
    DestName         : String): Integer;      { destination table of add }

Errors: PXERR_TABLEWRITEPRO   22  Table is write protected
        PXERR_OUTOFDISK       41  Not enough disk space to complete operation
        PXERR_STRUCTDIFFER    81  Table structures are different
        PXERR_INVTABLENAME    99  Invalid table name
        PXERR_TABLEEMPTY     105  Operation on empty table
        PXERR_TABLENOTFOUND  120  Table was not found
        PXERR_TABLEFULL      128  Table is full
        PXERR_TABLEBUSY      118  Table is busy
        PXERR_TABLELOCKED    119  Table is locked
        PXERR_INSUFRIGHTS     21  Insufficient password rights

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .