Opens a table                                 

function PXTblOpen

   (TblName          : String;        { name of table to open              }
    var TblHandle    : TableHandle;   { returns handle for opened table    }
    IndexID          : Integer;       { 0 mastertable else indexnumber     }
    SaveEveryChange  : Boolean):Int;  { save each record as it is changed? }

Errors: PXERR_XOUTOFDATE          8  Primary index is out of date
        PXERR_XSORTVERSION       13  Sort for index different from table
        PXERR_TABLEWRITEPRO      22  Table is write protected
        PXERR_OUTOFRANGE         31  Argument out of range
        PXERR_OUTOFMEM           40  Not enough memory to complete operation
        PXERR_OUTOFFILEHANDLES   70  No more file handles available
        PXERR_OUTOFTABLEHANDLES  72  No more table handles available
        PXERR_TABLENOTINDEXED    95  Table is not indexed
        PXERR_SXOUTOFDATE        96  Secondary index is out of date
        PXERR_INVTABLENAME       99  Invalid table name

        PXERR_TABLENOTFOUND     120  Table was not found
        PXERR_SXNOTFOUND        121  Secondary index was not found
        PXERR_OUTOFSWAPBUF      129  Not enough swap buffer space to complete op
        PXERR_TABLEBUSY         118  Table is busy
        PXERR_TABLELOCKED       119  Table is locked
        PXERR_INSUFRIGHTS        21  Insufficient password rights

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .