Get Disk Drive Mapping Information Table                   









AX FFh 00h   Sharable Drives AX
CX   01h     CX
DX     Pointer to Table ES:BX


Sharable Drives
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  Drive A
1 2 02h  Drive B
2 4 04h  Drive C
3 8 08h  Drive D
4 16 10h  Drive E
5 32 20h  Drive F
6 64 40h  Drive G
7 128 80h  Drive H
        A bit of 1 indicates that the drive is Sharable
        A bit of 0 indicates that the drive is Non-Sharable

        For example, if the 3 shareable drives C:, D: and E: are located
        on the File Server, then the AL returned from this function will
        equal to 1Ch:
Return Value
Bit Dec Hex  Description  Sharable
0 1 01h  Drive A  No
1 2 02h  Drive B  No
2 4 04h  Drive C  Yes
3 8 08h  Drive D  Yes
4 16 10h  Drive E  Yes
5 32 20h  Drive F  No
6 64 40h  Drive G  No
7 128 80h  Drive H  No
Table Format:

    DRV             struc
        PSUDRV_A    db      ?                   ; (Drive A) See NOTE 1
        PATH_A      db      67 dup (?)          ; (Drive A) See NOTE 2
        PSUDRV_B    db      ?                   ; (Drive B)
        PATH_B      db      67 dup (?)          ; (Drive B)
        PSUDRV_C    db      ?                   ; (Drive C)
        PATH_C      db      67 dup (?)          ; (Drive C)
        PSUDRV_D    db      ?                   ; (Drive D)
        PATH_D      db      67 dup (?)          ; (Drive D)
        .           .       .       .           ;    .
        .           .       .       .           ;    .
        .           .       .       .           ;    .
        PSUDRV_J    db      ?                   ; (Drive J)
        PATH_J      db      67 dup (?)          ; (Drive J)
    DRV             ends

Notes:  1. The PSUDRV_x format is as follows:
PSUBDRV_x Format:
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 01h  Drive Code (0=A, 1=B, .. 26=Z)
1 2 02h
2 4 04h
3 8 08h
4 16 10h
5 32 20h
6 64 40h
7 128 80h  Where (1=Server, 0=Local)
        2. PATH_x contains the full pathname for that drive.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .