Sends a message to the desired station.                    









AX FFh 80h     AX
CX  Message Length     BX
DX  FFh Destination     CX
DS:SI  Message     DX

        Node address to send to, 0FFh for broadcasting.

Message Length:

        Maximum 2000 for I+, 480 for ARCnet, 1024 for Ethernet

Programming example:

                MOV  AH,0FFh
                MOV  AL,80h
                MOV  DH,-1
                MOV  DL,3   ; Send to station 3
                MOV  CX,5   ; 5 bytes
                LEA  SI,MESSAGE
                INT  21h
        MESSAGE DB   11h  ;  The first byte of message must begin
                          ;  with this code:
                DB   "message to be sent"

Notes:  1. This function call does not warrant that the message sent will
           be received as correct (or even not received at all) by the
           destination station.  This is because the sending station will
           not wait for "Acknowledgement" from the station of destination.

        2. The message MUST have the following format:
11h DATA
           CODE  = 11h is reserved for users to develop their own
                   applications on TopWare.  Any other codes are reserved
                   for TopWare.

        3. Do not use this call to send messages with a CODE not equal
           to 11. Doing so will cause unpredictable results.

*** Refer to function INT 21h with AX=FF9Ah below for receiving. ***

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .