
Default:        See "Purpose."

Purpose:        Normally, when running in 386 enhanced mode, the memory
                between B000:0000 and B7FF:000F is used by the general
                system unless a secondary display is detected. Enable this
                setting if you are using a VGA-based color display and want
                EMM386.EXE to include this address space as an upper memory
                block (UMB). In addition to enabling this setting, you must
                include the i= option in the device=EMM386.EXE command line
                in your CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

                device=EMM386.EXE i=B000-B7FF

                If this setting is disabled, the address range is available
                on EGA systems, but not on VGA systems, because the VGA
                display device supports monochrome modes, which use this
                address space.

To Change:      Use Notepad to edit the SYSTEM.INI file.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .