
Default:        0 with MS-DOS versions earlier than 3.2. Otherwise, the
                value for the /e: parameter in the shell= command line in
                the CONFIG.SYS file.

Purpose:        Specifies the size of  the COMMAND.COM environment. Note
                that running batch files with the extension .BAT starts
                COMMAND.COM, so this setting also applies to batch files.
                The value for this setting must be either 0, or between
                160 and 32768. A value of 0 disables this setting. If the
                value is not valid, it will be rounded up to 160 or down
                to 32768. If the  value is less that the current size of
                the actual environment, this setting will be disabled, as
                if it were set to 0. If you have specified the environment
                size in a PIF file for COMMAND.COM, the PIF file setting
                overrides this setting.

To Change:      Use Notepad to edit the SYSTEM.INI file.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .