
Default:        0

Purpose:        Enabling this setting causes Windows running in standard
                mode to use a faster method of switching from protected to
                real mode on many 80286-based computers. When this setting
                is enabled, Windows responds quicker to hardware interrupts,
                allowing better throughput for interrupt-intensive
                applications, such as communications applications. In
                addition, you should enable this setting if you are using
                a Zenith Z-248 system and are losing characters while
                typing, or if you are using an Olivetti M-250-E and lose
                control of the mouse.

Note:           This setting has no affect on 80386-based computers. Some
                early IBM-AT and compatible computers do not have the BIOS
                support necessary to use this setting. Enabling this setting
                on these computers may cause them to hang when starting

To Change:      Use Notepad to edit the SYSTEM.INI file.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .