SUBST'ed Drive
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                          Detecting SUBSTed Drives

       INT21/32 can be used to retrieve a pointer to the DRIVE PARAMETER
       TABLE (DPT).   On return from the call  DS:BX  will point to this
       table.   The byte at offset 0 int the DPT will indicate the drive
       number and the byte at offset 1 will indicate the unit within the
       drive.   If these do not match then the drive is either a RAMdisk
       or is SUBST'ed.   RAMdisks usually have a 0 at offset 1.

       1.  issue INT 21/32 to get pointer to DPT in DS:BX
       2.  if ( DS:[BX] == DS:[BX+1] )
              then drive is not substituted, done
       4.     else if ( DS:[BX] == 0 && not Drive A:)
                      then drive may be a RAMDRIVE
                      else drive is SUBSTed (or Bernoulli box)

       - see DRIVE PARAMETER TABLE  and  INT 21h/32h

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