ST-11200N SCSI-2 Fast


         50 pin I/O Cable Connection
    J1+------------------------1+ /---------\    TOP (HDA)
     -+:::::::::::::::::::::::::+-| 0 0 0 0 |--
      +-------------------------+ +-5-G-G-12+    BOTTOM
       1------+ 1------+ 1------+
       +------+ +---+--+ +------+
        +Terminating Resistors+


BACK   +-+       J2  12345678                    TOP (HDA)  FRONT
 OF    J1+----------------------P-W-A----------------------- OF
DRIVE  +-+           ::::::::                    BOTTOM     DRIVE

   |Terminator Power +||||||+ Reserved
  ++Terminator Power -+||||+- Motor Start
  |      Factory Use --+||+-- Start Delay
  |           Parity ---++--- Write Protect
  | +--------------------------------+
  +-+ Termination Power-source Table |
    |  1 2     1 2      1 2                        |
    | +-+       +-+           A Drive Supplies Bus |
    | |ø|ø     ø|ø|    +ø-ø+  B Drive Supplies Own |
    | +ø+ø     ø+ø+    +ø ø+  C Bus Supplies Drive |
    |   A       B        C                         |
    |-----....-----....-----PWA edge-----          |
    |                                              |

  +----------------+             If these ID jumpers are used,
                                 then ID jumpers shown in front
                                 view ARE NOT USED.

  FRONT                TOP (HDA)                 J5 +--1+ +-+BACK
   OF   --------P-W-A-------------------------------+:::+-+J1 OF
  DRIVE                BOTTOM                       +---+ +-+DRIVE
                                               ID 4 -+|+- ID 1
                                                    ID 2


                      TOP (HDA)   J6  +-----1+
                 *    BOTTOM          +------+
                 |                     123456
            LED -+                     ||||||
                                  ID 4 +||||+ Reserved
                                  ID 2 -+||+- Remote LED (pin-3 +5v)
                                  ID 1 --++-- Spindle Synchronization
                                               (pin-6 REF SIG+)
      If these ID jumper are used, then
         ID jumpers shown in left side
         view ARE NOT USED.

                              ST - 11200N

       UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________1,233
       FORMATTED CAPACITY (xx SECTORS) (MB) _____1,050
       AVERAGE SECTORS PER TRACK ________________
       ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________VOICE COIL
       TRACKS ___________________________________28,125
       CYLINDERS ________________________________1,875 (user)
       HEADS ____________________________________15
       DISCS (3.5 in) ___________________________8
       MEDIA TYPE _______________________________THIN FILM
       RECORDING METHOD _________________________ZBR RLL (1,7)
       INTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbits/sec) _______18.8 to 32
       EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______4 Async
       EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______10 Sync
       SPINDLE SPEED (RPM) ______________________4,535
       AVERAGE LATENCY (mSEC) ___________________6.61

       BUFFER ___________________________________256 Kbyte
         Read Look-Ahead, Adaptive,
         Multi-Segmented Cache
       INTERFACE ________________________________SCSI-2 Fast
       BYTES PER TRACK __________________________43,900 avg.
       SECTORS PER DRIVE ________________________
       TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________2,150
       BPI (BITS PER INCH) ______________________
       AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) (read/write)__________10.5/12.0
       SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________2
       MAX FULL SEEK (ms) _______________________26
       MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________200,000
       POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _2.0
                           +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.5
                           +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.24
                           TYPICAL (watts) ______7
                           MAXIMUM (watts) ______
       LANDING ZONE (cyl)________________________AUTO PARK
       IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________0 or NONE

Already low-level formatted at the factory.
ZBR = Zone Bit Recording = Variable sectors per track

Formatted at the factory with one spare sector per track
 and two spare cylinders per unit.

Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product
offerings or specifications. (10/29/91)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .