ST-325A/X AT/XT Interface

    |J2 12-pin version (located
    |    on side, near rear)
        1  3  5  7  9  11
(front) #  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  (back)
        ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø
         |                                                         4-pin DC
         |                        3-pin DC   AT/XT Interface       Power
         |                        Power      connector            +-1-2-3-4-+
         |                       +-1-2-3-+ +--------------------+ | 0 0 0 0 |
     ----+------------------+    | 0 0 0 | |:::::::::::::::::::1| \12-G-G-5-/
    J2 Jumper Configurations|   -+-5-G-12+-+-P-W-A--------------+-------------
           (12 pin version) |
      note: some jumpers are VERTICAL, others are HORIZONTAL

  | Jumper         |  Pin    | AT Single |  AT Master | AT Slave   | XT  |
  | Master/Slave   |  1-2    |    X      |     X      |    0       | (3) |
  | Slave Present  |  3-4    |    0      |     X      |    0       | (3) |
  | Active LED     |  5-6    |    X      |     X      |    0 (2)   | X   |
  | Host Slave     |  5-7    |    0      |     0      |    X (2)   | 0   |
  |  Present       |         |           |            |            |     |
  | XT Mode        |  7-8    |                                     | X   |
  +----------------+---------+                                     +-----+
  | XT Only: 40    |  1-2    |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  ST351  |                                     |     |
  +----------------+---------+           12 pin version            +-----+
  | XT Only: 30    |  3-4    |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  ST351  |                                     |     |
  +----------------+---------+                                     +-----+
  | XT Only: 20    |  1-2 &  |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  3-4    |                                     |     |
  | Factory Test   |  7-9    |         FACTORY USE ONLY                  |
  | Bus Reset (1)  |  10-12  |    0      |     0      |    0       | 0/X |
  |  High          |         |           |            |            |     |
  | Bus Reset (1)  |  11-12  |    X      |     X      |    X       | X/0 |
  |  Low  +--------+---------+-----------+------------+------------+-----+
  +-------+   X = Jumpered; 0 = No Jumper


    |J2 18-pin version (located
    |    on side, near rear)
        1  3  5  7  9  11 13 15 17
(front) #  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø
        ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø  ø
         |                                                         4-pin DC
         |                                   AT/XT Interface       Power
         |                                   connector            +-1-2-3-4-+
         |                                 +--------------------+ | 0 0 0 0 |
     ----+------------------+              |:::::::::::::::::::1| \12-G-G-5-/
    J2 Jumper Configurations|   -----------+-P-W-A--------------+-------------
           (18 pin version) |
  | Jumper         |  Pin    | AT Single |  AT Master | AT Slave   | XT  |
  | Factory Test   |  1-2    |         FACTORY USE ONLY                  |
  | Master/Slave   |  3-4    |    X      |     X      |    0       | (3) |
  | Slave Present  |  5-6    |    0      |     X      |    0       | (3) |
  | Host Slave     |  7-8    |    0      |     0      |    X (2)   | 0   |
  |  Present       |         |           |            |            |     |
  | XT Mode        |  9-10   |                                     | X   |
  +----------------+---------+                                     +-----+
  | XT Only: 40    |  3-4    |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  ST351  |                                     |     |
  +----------------+---------+           18 pin version            +-----+
  | XT Only: 30    |  5-6    |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  ST351  |                                     |     |
  +----------------+---------+                                     +-----+
  | XT Only: 20    |  3-4 &  |                                     | X   |
  |  Mbyte Cap.    |  5-6    |                                     |     |
  | HSC1           |  11-12  |    X      |     X      |    X       | X   |
  | Active LED     |  13-14  |    X      |     X      |    0 (2)   | 0   |
  | Bus Reset (1)  |  15-16  |    0      |     0      |    0       | 0/X |
  |  High          |         |           |            |            |     |
  | Bus Reset (1)  |  17-18  |    X      |     X      |    X       | X/0 |
  |  Low  +--------+---------+-----------+------------+------------+-----+
  +-------+   X = Jumpered; 0 = No Jumper

        (1) Bus reset active level. System dependent. A jumper must be
            installed on either Bus Reset Hi or Bus Reset Low; the
            drive will not function if neither set of pins is

        (2) HSP/Assert "/DASP" signal: pin 39 on 40-pin AT/AT
            Interface connector. The Host Slave Present jumper and the
            Active LED jumper are mutually exclusive.

        (3) XT only. These jumpers are used to set the drive type
            information to be returned by the drive via the Drive
            Configuration register (I/O port 2) or the XT Interface.

                        ST - 325A/X

       UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________25
       FORMATTED CAPACITY (17 SECTORS) (MB) _____21.4
       AVERAGE SECTORS PER TRACK ________________
       ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________STEPPER
       TRACKS ___________________________________
       CYLINDERS _(Physical/Logical)_____________xx/615
       HEADS ____________________________________2/4
       DISCS ____________________________________1
       MEDIA TYPE _______________________________THIN FILM
       RECORDING METHOD _________________________RLL 2,7 (ZBR)
       INTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbits/sec) _______12/14
       SPINDLE SPEED (RPM) ______________________3,048
       INTERFACE ________________________________AT/XT
       TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________1290
       BPI (BITS PER INCH) ______________________28155/28922
       AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) ______________________28
       SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________7

       MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________150,000
       POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _0.8
                           +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.10
                           +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.11
                           TYPICAL (watts) ______2.0
                           MAXIMUM (watts) ______
       BUFFERED STEP PULSE RATE (micro sec) _____
       WRITE PRECOMP (cyl) ______________________N/A
       REDUCED WRITE CURRENT (cyl) ______________N/A
       LANDING ZONE (cyl)________________________AUTO PARK
       IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________6

Possible translation:   615 cyl, 4 heads, 17 sectors = 21,411,840

Note: A "custom" or "user-definded" CMOS drivetype  may ask for a
numerical value for the Write Precompensation cylinder and for the
Landing Zone cylinder.  A basic rule-of-thumb for drive models that do
not require the old Write Precomp technique or a Landing Zone because
they are Auto-Parking is to add 1 to the cylinder value being used. As
an example: If cylinders equaled 820, then both Write Precomp and
Landing Zone would be entered as 821. Some BIOS will convert this to
65535 or -1, which are functionally equivalent to "none (not used)".


ZBR = Zone Bit Recording = Variable sectors per track

Already low-level formatted at the factory for AT installations.

Since a User-definable or Custom translation geometry may be used, it
is imperative that the values be written down and kept with your
permanent records for retrieval in the event of CMOS battery failure.

Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product
offerings or specifications. (5/6/91)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .