ST-4767N (94601-767H) Wren Runner 2 FH SCSI-2

                     +-- Some 16-pin configurations may not have these pins.
                     |  +-----------------------------+ /-4-3-2-1-\
      -----P-W-A-----+--+:::SCSI:Cable:::::::::::::::1+-+ 0 0 0 0 +--
      +-+            |  +-----------------------------+ +-5-G-G-12+
      |o|o o o o o o(o)o +--------1+--------1+--------1     Power
      +o+o o o o o o(o)o +--------++--------++--------+
      +-+  4 2 1 M P | |    Terminator Resistor SIPS
       |   --+-- | | | |
       |     |   | | | +-  Reserved
       |     |   | | +---  Motor Start Delay ( 16 sec * ID)
       |     |   | +-----  Parity option enable
       |     |   +-------  Motor Start option enable
       |     +-----------  Drive ID's, ID 0 (none) if only SCSI device
       +----------------+  Terminator power from Drive (vertical)
                        +  Terminator power from Bus (lower horizontal)

                    94601-767H/M WREN RUNNER FH

       UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________767
       FORMATTED CAPACITY (64 SECTORS) (MB) _____665
       ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________VOICE COIL
       TRACKS ___________________________________20340
       CYLINDERS ________________________________1356
       HEADS ____________________________________15
       DISCS ____________________________________8
       MEDIA TYPE _______________________________THIN FILM
       RECORDING METHOD _________________________ZBR RLL (1,7)
       TRANSFER RATE (mbytes/sec) _______________3
       SPINDLE SPEED (RPM) ______________________4,800
       AVERAGE LATENCY (mSEC) ___________________6.25
       BUFFER ___________________________________256 Kbyte
         Read Look-Ahead, Adaptive,
         Multi-Segmented Cache
       INTERFACE ________________________________SCSI-2

       TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________1,600
       BPI (BITS PER INCH) ______________________30,600
       AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) ______________________11.9
       SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________2.5
       MAX FULL SEEK (ms) _______________________26
       MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________150,000
       POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _4.5
                           +12V TYPICAL (amps) __1.6
                           +5V START-UP (amps) __1.1
                           +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.8
                           TYPICAL (watts) ______27
                           MAXIMUM (watts) ______60
       BUFFERED STEP PULSE RATE (micro sec) _____
       WRITE PRECOMP (cyl) ______________________N/A
       REDUCED WRITE CURRENT (cyl) ______________N/A
       LANDING ZONE (cyl) _______________________AUTO PARK
       IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________0 or NONE

Already low-level formatted at the factory.

Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product
offerings or specifications. (6/26/90)

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .