Int/13h/00hReset Disk System
Int/13h/01hStatus of Disk System
Int/13h/02hRead Sectors Into Memory
Int/13h/03hWrite Sectors From Memory
Int/13h/04hVerify Sectors
Int/13h/05hFormat Track Floppy Disk
Int/13h/05hFormat Track Fixed Disk
Int/13h/06hFormat Track And Set Bad Fixed Disk
Int/13h/07hFormat Drive Starting At Track Fixed Disk
Int/13h/08hGet Current Drive Parameters
Int/13h/09hInitialize Two Fixed Disk Base Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0AhRead Long (XT,AT,XT286,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0BhWrite Long (XT,AT,XT286,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0ChSeek to Cylinder (XT,AT,XT286,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0DhAlternate Disk Reset Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0EhRead Sector Buffer (XT,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/0FhWrite Sector Buffer (XT,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/10hTest for Drive Ready Fixed Disk
Int/13h/11hRecalibrate Drive (XT,AT,XT286,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/12hControler RAM Diagnostic (XT,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/13hDrive Diagnostic (XT,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/14hController Diagnostics Fixed Disk
Int/13h/15hGet Type (AT,XT2,XT286,CONV,PS)
Int/13h/16hChange of Disk Status Floppy Disk
Int/13h/17hSet Type (AT,XT2,XT286,CONV,PS)
Int/13h/18hSet Media Type for Format
Int/13h/19hPark Heads (XT286,PS) Fixed Disk
Int/13h/1AhFormat Unit (PS) ESDI Fixed

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .