Int/15h/00hTurn On Motor (PC,Jr) Cassette
Int/15h/01hTurn Off Motor (PC,Jr) Cassette
Int/15h/02hRead Data Blocks (PC,Jr) Cassette
Int/15h/03hWrite Data Blocks (PC,Jr) Cassette
Int/15h/0FhFormat Unit Periodic Interrupt System
Int/15h/10h/00h"PAUSE" - Give up CPU Time TopView
Int/15h/10h/01h"GETMEM" - Allocate "System" Mem TopView
Int/15h/10h/02h"PUTMEM" - Deallocate "System" Mem TopView
Int/15h/10h/03h"PRINTC" - Display Character/Attr TopView
Int/15h/10hUnimplemented in DV 2.0x TopView
Int/15h/10h/13h"GETBIT" - Define 2nd Handler TopView
Int/15h/10h/14h"FREEBIT" - Undefine 2nd Handler TopView
Int/15h/10h/15h"SETBIT" - Schedule One Or More 2nd TopView
Int/15h/10h/16h"ISOBJ" - Verify Object Handle TopView
Int/15h/10h/17hUnimplemented in DV 2.00 TopView
Int/15h/10h/18h"LOCATE" - Find Window at Location TopView
Int/15h/10h/19h"SOUND" - Make Tone TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Ah"OSTACK" - Switch To Tasks Internal Stack TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Bh"BEGINC" - Begin Critical Region TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Ch"ENDC" - End Critical Region TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Dh"STOP" - Stop Task TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Eh"START" - Start Task TopView
Int/15h/10h/1Fh"DISPEROR" - Pop-up Error Window TopView
Int/15h/10h/20hUnimplemented in DV 2.0x TopView
Int/15h/10h/21h"PGMINT" - Interrupt Another Task TopView
Int/15h/10h/22h"GETVER" - Get Version TopView
Int/15h/10h/23h"POSWIN" - Position Window TopView
Int/15h/10h/24h"GETBUF" - Get Virtual Screen Info TopView
Int/15h/10h/25h"USTACK" - Switch To User's Stack TopView
Int/15h/10hUnimplemented DesqView
Int/15h/10h/2Bh"POSTTASK" - Awaken DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/10h/2ChStart New Appl DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/10h/2DhKeyboard Mouse Control DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/11hTopView commands TopView
Int/15h/12h/00h"HANDLE" - Return Object Handle TopView
Int/15h/12h/01h"NEW" - Create New Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/02h"FREE" - Free An Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/03h"DIR" - Get Panel File Directory TopView
Int/15h/12h/03h"ADDR" - Get Object Handle TopView
Int/15h/12h/04h"READ" - Wait For Timer To Expire TopView
Int/15h/12h/04h"READ" - Get Next Record TopView
Int/15h/12h/05h"APPLY" - Write Panel To Window TopView
Int/15h/12h/05h"WRITE" - Write To Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/05h"WRITE" - Write String To Window TopView
Int/15h/12h/08h"SIZEOF" - Get Object Size TopView
Int/15h/12h/09h"LEN" - Get Object Length TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Ah"ADDTO" - Set Object Bits TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Bh"SUBFROM" - Reset Object Bits TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Ch"OPEN" - Open Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Dh"CLOSE" - Close Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Eh"ERASE" - Erase Object TopView
Int/15h/12h/0Fh"STATUS" - Get Object Status TopView
Int/15h/12h/10h"EOF" - Get Object EOF Status TopView
Int/15h/12h/11h"AT" - Position Object Cursor TopView
Int/15h/12h/11h"SETNAME" - Assign Name To Mailbox TopView
Int/15h/12h/11h"SETSCALE" - Set Pointer Scale Factor TopView
Int/15h/12h/12h"READN" - Get Next N Object Bytes TopView
Int/15h/12h/12h"GETSCALE" - Get Pointer Scale Factor TopView
Int/15h/12h/13h"REDRAW" - Redraw Window TopView
Int/15h/12h/13h"SETICON" - Specify Pointer ICON TopView
Int/15h/12h/14h"SETESC" - Set Escape Routine Address TopView
Int/15h/12h/14h"LOCK" - Req Exclusive Access To Resource TopView
Int/15h/20h??? (AT,XT286,PS50+) PRINT.COM
Int/15h/21hPower-on Self-test Error Log (PS50+) System
Int/15h/40hRead/Modify Profiles (Convertible) Convertible
Int/15h/41hWait On External Event (Convertible) System
Int/15h/42hRequest Power Off (Convertible) System
Int/15h/43hRead System Status (Convertible) System
Int/15h/44h(De)activate Internal Modem Power System
Int/15h/4FhKeyboard Intercept OS Hook
Int/15h/80hDevice Open (AT,XT2,XT286,PS) OS Hook
Int/15h/81hDevice Close (AT,XT2,XT286,PS) OS Hook
Int/15h/82hDevice Program Terminate OS Hook
Int/15h/83hEvent Wait (AT,XT286,CONV,PS) System
Int/15h/84hRead Joystick (AT,XT2,XT286,PS) System
Int/15h/85hSystem Request Key Pressed OS Hook
Int/15h/86hWait (AT,XT2,XT286,CONV,PS) System
Int/15h/87hBlock Move (AT,XT286,PS) Extended Mem
Int/15h/88hGet Memory Size Extended Mem
Int/15h/89hSwitch To Virtual Mode System
Int/15h/90hDevice Busy Loop OS Hook
Int/15h/91hSet Flag And Complete Interrupt OS Hook
Int/15h/C0hGet Configuration System
Int/15h/C1hReturn Extended-BIOS Data-Area System
Int/15h/C2hPointing Device BIOS Interface Point Dev
Int/15h/C3hEnable/disable Watchdog Timeout (PS50+) PS/2
Int/15h/C4hProgrammable Option Select (PS50+) PS/2
Int/15h/DEh/00hGet Program Name DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/01hUpdate "open Window" Menu DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/02hUnimplemented in DV 2.0x DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/03hUnimplemented in DV 2.0x DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/04hGet Available Common Memory DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/05hGet Available Conventional Memory DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/06hGet Available Expanded Memory DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/07h"APPNUM" - Get Program's Number DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/08hGet ??? DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/09hUnimplemented in DV 2.00 DesqView
Int/15h/DEh/0Ah"DBGPOKE" - Display On Status DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/0Bh"APILEVEL" - Define Minimum API DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/0Ch"GETMEM" - Allocate "Sys" Mem DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/0Dh"PUTMEM" - Deallocate "Sys" DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/0EhFind Mailbox By Name DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/0FhEnable DESQview Extensions DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/10h"PUSHKEY" - Put Key Into Kbd DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/11hEnable/disable Justification of Window DesqView 2.0
Int/15h/DEh/12h??? DesqView 2.01

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .