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00hTerminate Program DOS 1.00
01hRead Keyboard Character and Echo DOS 1.00
02hCharacter Output DOS 1.00
03hAuxiliary Character Input DOS 1.00
04hAuxiliary Character Output DOS 1.00
05hPrinter Character Output DOS 1.00
06hDirect Console Character I/O DOS 1.00
06h/FFhDirect Console Character I/O Input DOS 1.00
07hDirect Console Character Input, No Echo DOS 1.00
08hConsole Character Input without Echo DOS 1.00
09hPrint String DOS 1.00
0AhBuffered Keyboard Input DOS 1.00
0BhCheck Standard Input Status DOS 1.00
0ChClear Input Buffer then Invoke Function DOS 1.00
0DhDisk Reset DOS 1.00
0EhSelect Default Drive DOS 1.00
0FhOpen File, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
10hClose Disk File using an FCB DOS 1.00
11hSearch for First File, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
12hSearch for Next File, Using FCB's DOS 1.00
13hDelete File, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
14hSequential Read, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
15hSequential Write, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
16hCreate File, using FCBs DOS 1.00
17hRename File, using FCBs DOS 1.00
18hUnused Internal
19hGet Current Disk DOS 1.00
1AhSet Disk Transfer Address (DTA) DOS 1.00
1BhGet FAT Information for Current Drive DOS 1.00
1ChGet FAT Information for Specified Drive DOS 1.00
1DhUnused Internal
1EhUnused Internal
1FhGet Default Drive Parameter Block (DPB) Internal
20hUnused Internal
21hRandom Read, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
22hRandom Write, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
23hGet File Size, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
24hSet Random-Record Field, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
25hSet Interrupt Vector DOS 1.00
26hCreate Program Segment Prefix (PSP) DOS 1.00
27hRandom Block Read, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
28hRandom Block Write, Using FCBs DOS 1.00
29hParse Filename, create FCB DOS 1.00
2AhGet Current Date DOS 1.00
2BhSet Current Date DOS 1.00
2BhInstallation Check DESQview
2ChGet Current Time DOS 1.00
2DhSet Current Time DOS 1.00
2EhSet Verify Flag DOS 1.00
2FhGet Disk Transfer Address (DTA) DOS 2.00
30hGet DOS Version Number DOS 2.00
31hTerminate and Stay Resident DOS 2.00
32hGet Drive Parameter Block (DPB) Internal
33hGet or Set Ctrl-Break Status DOS 2.00
33h/05hGet Boot Drive DOS 4.00
34hReturn CritSectFlag (INDOS) Pointer Internal
35hGet Interrupt Vector DOS 2.00
36hGet Free and Total Disk Space DOS 2.00
37h/00hGet Switch Character Internal
37h/01hSet Switch Character Internal
37h/02hRead Device Availability Internal
37h/03hSet Device Availability Internal
38hGet Country Dependent Information DOS 2.00
38hGet Country Dependent Information DOS 3.00
38hGet Country Dependent Information DOS 5.00
39hCreate Directory (MKDIR) DOS 2.00
3AhRemove Directory (RMDIR) DOS 2.00
3BhChange Directory (CHDIR) DOS 2.00
3ChCreate a File (CREAT) DOS 2.00
3DhOpen a File DOS 2.00
3EhClose a File Handle DOS 2.00
3FhRead from File or Device, Using Handle DOS 2.00
40hWrite to File or Device, Using a Handle DOS 2.00
41hDelete File (UNLINK) DOS 2.00
42hMove File Pointer (LSEEK) DOS 2.00
43h/00hGet File Attributes (CHMOD) DOS 2.00
43h/01hSet File Attributes (CHMOD) DOS 2.00
44h/XXhI/O Control for Devices (IOCTL) DOS 2.00
45hDuplicate a File Handle (DUP) DOS 2.00
46hForce Handle Duplication (FORCDUP) DOS 2.00
47hGet Current Directory DOS 2.00
48hAllocate Memory DOS 2.00
49hFree Allocated Memory DOS 2.00
4AhModify Memory Allocation (SETBLOCK) DOS 2.00
4BhLoad or Execute a Program (EXEC) DOS 2.00
4ChTerminate a Process (EXIT) DOS 2.00
4DhGet Return Code of a Subprocess (WAIT) DOS 2.00
4EhFind First Matching File (FIND FIRST) DOS 2.00
4FhFind Next Matching File (FIND NEXT) DOS 2.00
50hSet PSP Segment Internal
51hGet PSP Segment Internal
52hGet List Of Lists Internal
53hTranslate BPB Internal
54hGet VERIFY Flag DOS 2.00
55hCreate PSP Internal
56hRename a File DOS 2.00
57h/00hGet a File's Date and Time DOS 2.00
57h/01hSet a File's Date and Time DOS 2.00
58h/00hGet Memory Allocation Strategy DOS 3.00
58h/01hSet Memory Allocation Strategy DOS 3.00
58h/02hGet UMB Link Status DOS 5.00
58h/03hSet UMB Link Status DOS 5.00
59hGet Extended Error Information DOS 3.00
5AhCreate Unique File DOS 3.00
5BhCreate New File DOS 3.00
5ChLock/Unlock File Access DOS 3.00
5Dh/00hCopy Data to DOS Save Area Internal
5Dh/06hGet Address Of Critical Error Flag Internal 3.00
5Dh/0AhSet Error Data Values Internal 3.00
5Eh/00hGet Machine Name MS Net 3.1
5Eh/01hSet Machine Name MS Net 3.1
5Eh/02hSet Printer Setup MS Net 3.1
5Eh/03hGet Printer Setup MS Net 3.1
5Fh/02hGet Redirection List Entry MS Net 3.1
5Fh/03hRedirect Device MS Net 3.1
5Fh/04hCancel Redirection MS Net 3.1
60hResolve Pth Str to Fully Qualified Path Internal 3.00
61hUnused Internal 3.00
62hGet PSP Address DOS 3.00
63h/00hGet Lead Byte Table DOS 2.25 Only
63h/01hSet Interim Console Flag DOS 2.25 Only
63h/02hGet Interim Console Flag DOS 2.25 Only
64hSet Current Country Byte Internal 3.2
65hGet Extended Country Information DOS 3.30
65h/20hConvert Character DOS 4.00
65h/21hConvert String DOS 4.00
65h/22hConvert ASCIIZ String DOS 4.00
66h/01hGet Global Code Page Table DOS 3.30
66h/02hSet Global Code Page Table DOS 3.30
67hSet Handle Count DOS 3.30
68hCommit File, Write Buff Data to Disk DOS 3.30
69h??? ???
6AhAllocate Memory DOS 1.00
6Bh??? ???
6Ch/00hExtended Open/create DOS 4.00
B6h/00hGet Extended File Attr Net SFT II
B6h/01hSet Extended File Attr Net SFT II
B8hPrint Jobs Net Adv 2.0+
BBhSet End Of Job Status NetWare 4.0
BChLog Physical Record NetWare 4.6
BDhRelease Physical Record NetWare 4.6
BEhClear Physical Record NetWare 4.6
BFhLog Record (FCB) NetWare 4.6
C0hRelease Record (FCB) NetWare 4.6
C1hClear Record (FCB) NetWare 4.6
C2hLock Physical Record Set NetWare 4.6
C3hRelease Physical Record Set NetWare 4.6
C4hClear Physical Record Set NetWare 4.6
C5hSemaphores NetWare 4.6
C6hGet Or Set Lock Mode NetWare 4.6
C7hTTS NetWare 4.0
C8hBegin Logical File Locking NetWare 4.0
C9hEnd Logical File Locking NetWare 4.0
CAhLog Personal File (FCB) NetWare 4.0
CBhLock File Set NetWare 4.0
CChRelease File (FCB) NetWare 4.0
CDhRelease File Set NetWare 4.0
CEhClear File (FCB) NetWare 4.0
CFhClear File Set NetWare 4.0
D0hLog Logical Record NetWare 4.6
D1hLock Logical Record Set NetWare 4.6
D2hRelease Logical Record NetWare 4.0
D3hRelease Logical Record Set NetWare 4.0
D4hClear Logical Record NetWare 4.0
D5hClear Logical Record Set NetWare 4.0
D6hEnd Of Job NetWare 4.0
D7hSystem Logout NetWare 4.0
DAhGet Volume Statistics NetWare 4.0
DBhGet Number Of Local Drives NetWare 4.0
DChGet Station Number NetWare 4.0
DDhSet Error Mode NetWare 4.0
DEhSet Broadcast Mode NetWare 4.0
DFhCapture NetWare 4.0
E0hPrint Spooling NetWare 4.0
E1hBroadcast Messages NetWare 4.0
E2hDirectory Functions NetWare 4.0
E3hConnection Control NetWare 4.0
E4hSet File Attributes (FCB) NetWare 4.0
E4h/00hInstallation Check DoubleDos
E5hUpdate File Size (FCB) NetWare 4.0
E6hCopy File To File (FCB) NetWare 4.0
E7hGet File Server Date And Time NetWare 4.0
E8hSet FCB Re-open Mode NetWare 4.6
E9hShell's "Get Base Status" NetWare 4.6
EAhReturn Shell Version NetWare 4.6
EAhTurn Off Task Switching DoubleDos
EBhLog File NetWare 4.6
EBhTurn On Task Switching DoubleDos
EChRelease File NetWare 4.6
EChGet Virtual Screen Address DoubleDos
EDhClear File NetWare
EEhGet Physical Station Number NetWare 4.6
EEhGive Away Time To Other Tasks DoubleDos
EFhGet Drive Info Adv Net 1.0+
F0hConnection ID Adv Net 1.0+
F1hFile Server Connection Adv Net 1.0+
F2h??? NetWare
F3hFile Server File Copy Adv Net 2.0+
FFhInstallable Commands CED

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .